Privacy Policy

ShoreBridge Capital Partners, LLC along with each of its wholly owned subsidiaries, including ShoreBridge Capital Management, LLC and ShoreBridge Capital Securities, LLC (collectively “ShoreBridge”), recognizes the importance of its clients’ privacy expectations. ShoreBridge is committed to maintaining the confidentiality, integrity, and security of all personal information entrusted to it. This Privacy Policy describes the nonpublic personal information it collects and the circumstances under which it may share that information with others who are not affiliated with ShoreBridge.

Collection of Client Information

ShoreBridge collects nonpublic personal information about its clients from the following sources:

– Information ShoreBridge receives from clients in any Subscription Agreement, or Investment Management Agreement, or other forms or agreements completed by clients; and

– Information about clients’ transactions with ShoreBridge, information about entities advised by ShoreBridge or its affiliates, or information ShoreBridge receives from third parties in the servicing of clients’ accounts.

Disclosure of Client Information

ShoreBridge may share information about its clients with affiliated and unaffiliated persons, including service providers or other third parties that: (i) provide business services to or on behalf of ShoreBridge; (ii) facilitate the processing of transactions that clients may request; or (iii) assist ShoreBridge in servicing client accounts or offering products or services to clients.

ShoreBridge may also disclose a client’s information where required by law or to protect ShoreBridge’s rights or property, such as in an audit, or to ShoreBridge’s attorneys or other professionals. ShoreBridge may disclose information to client’s attorneys, brokers, accountants, and bankers with whom clients have an established relationship.

Security of Client Information

ShoreBridge maintains office security to ensure that client information is not placed at unreasonable risk of disclosure. ShoreBridge restricts access to nonpublic information about its clients to those employees who need to know the information to provide products and services. ShoreBridge maintains physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that protect its clients’ nonpublic personal information. ShoreBridge’s agreements with unaffiliated third parties require that strict confidentiality be maintained for clients’ nonpublic personal information. Federal and state securities regulators may review ShoreBridge’s records and clients’ records as permitted by law. Personally identifiable information about clients will be maintained while a client relationship continues and for the subsequent period of time that records are required to be maintained by law. After that time the information may be destroyed. The destruction of such information will be done in a manner reasonably designed to protect nonpublic client information.

Procedures to Opt Out of Disclosure

Clients may opt out of ShoreBridge’s sharing of nonpublic personal information with unaffiliated third parties by notifying ShoreBridge’s authorized representatives in writing and/or by calling the Chief Compliance Officer of ShoreBridge at 212-698-8544. Please note that, even if a client directs ShoreBridge not to share this information, ShoreBridge retains the right to disclose that client’s nonpublic information as permitted by law, for example, to process transactions or to service that client’s account. In the event of any questions regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact a ShoreBridge financial professional or the Chief Compliance Officer.